Sanctions on Russia: effectiveness and impacts on the national security of Russia


  • Roman K. Ovcharenko Department of Sociology, Department of State and Municipal Administration of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.
  • Olga Yu. Goncharova Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.
  • Evgenia N. Kondratenko Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.
  • Gleb V. Trofimov South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.
  • Alina V. Glushchenko South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.


Sanctions, embargo, national security, import substitution, innovation, public-private partnership.


The current stage of development of the entire world community, including Russia, is associated with such a thing as “sanction wars”. As an example, one can recall the introduction of US sanctions against China, Iran, Venezuela, and other countries, European sanctions, as well as various countersanctions of countries subjected to sanction pressure.
As part of this paper, the sanctions imposed against Russia in connection with the Ukrainian crisis in 2014 and countersanctions imposed by Russia are considered. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of sanctions and countersanctions on the national security of Russia. In this regard, the following tasks were set: to identify the list of sanctions of Western countries imposed against Russia and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify the list of countersanctions of Russia against Western countries and their impact on the national security of Russia, to identify further actions of Russia to ensure the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure.
The study is based on the dialectical, historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparison, induction and deduction. The study analyzed Russian and international literature on the topic of sanctions and their impact on national security.
Based on the results of the study, the directions of economic development based on the promotion of import substitution, innovation and public-private partnerships with the aim of ensuring the national security of Russia under the conditions of sanction pressure have been proposed. The findings of the study may be of interest to the academic community, studying the impact of sanctions on the national security of the country. The experience of Russia may be of interest to countries subjected to sanction pressure from the United States and its allies.


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Biografia do Autor

Roman K. Ovcharenko, Department of Sociology, Department of State and Municipal Administration of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Doctor of sociology, professor, Department of Sociology, Department of State and Municipal Administration of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Olga Yu. Goncharova, Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

PhD in economic sciences, associate professor, Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Evgenia N. Kondratenko, Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

PhD in Political Science, associate professor, Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Gleb V. Trofimov, South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Graduate student of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Alina V. Glushchenko, South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.

Graduate student of South-Russian Institute of Management branch of the RANEPA, Rostov-on-Don.


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Como Citar

Ovcharenko, R. K., Goncharova, O. Y., Kondratenko, E. N., Trofimov, G. V., & Glushchenko, A. V. (2019). Sanctions on Russia: effectiveness and impacts on the national security of Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 565–573. Recuperado de


