Mathematical modeling competition: an exploratory study from the quadratic function


  • Cesar Olmos Rojas Universidad de la Amazonia
  • Dermin Rogelio Sarmiento R. Secretaria de Educación Departamental del Caquetá.
  • Leonardo Montealegre Q. Instituto Técnico Industrial. Secretaría Municipal. Florencia Caquetá. Catedrático Universidad de la Amazonia.


Competition, Mathematics Competition, Modeling, Tasks and Quadratic function.


This article has as objective characterize the competition mathematical modeling for the case of the function quadratic starting from their implementation with students of the grade ninth with base in the Foundation of a model theoretical functional whose components structural are them phases of the process of modelling, them tasks math, them levels of complexity and them processes Metacognitive. The research question was: ¿what is a characterization of the mathematical modeling competition for the case of quadratic function, in the ninth grade of education basic secondary of the institution educational Juan Bautista la Salle? He worked from the qualitative methodology, using the case study method. The interpretative analysis is focused on the interactions in the classroom and the whole proceedings before mathematical tasks at different levels of complexity. The results showed the use of phases simplified, matematizar and interpret, in which arose the sub-processes of: a) to identify the variables that intervene in the situation, b) identify dependent and independent variables for inclusion in the model, c) to build the model with a single independent variable, and d) compare the mathematical results with the baseline. In conclusion, from an approach by skills, the relationship between the competition mathematical modeling (CMM) and tasks math is important because the activity mathematical of the student is influenced by the type of task that is you presents. In conclusion, from an approach by skills, the relationship between the competition mathematical modeling (CMM) and tasks math is important because the activity mathematical of the student is influenced by the type of task that is you presents.


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Author Biographies

Cesar Olmos Rojas, Universidad de la Amazonia

Profesor Catedrático Universidad de la Amazonia

Dermin Rogelio Sarmiento R., Secretaria de Educación Departamental del Caquetá.

Profesor Secretaria de Educación Departamental del Caquetá.

Leonardo Montealegre Q., Instituto Técnico Industrial. Secretaría Municipal. Florencia Caquetá. Catedrático Universidad de la Amazonia.

Profesor Instituto Técnico Industrial. Secretaría Municipal. Florencia Caquetá. Catedrático Universidad de la Amazonia.


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How to Cite

Olmos Rojas, C., Sarmiento R., D. R., & Montealegre Q., L. (2016). Mathematical modeling competition: an exploratory study from the quadratic function. Amazonia Investiga, 5(9), 57–65. Retrieved from


