
  • Yeny Calderón Polanía Institución Educativa Juan XXIII, Colombia



Natural Sciences Teaching, Scientific Attitude, Learning and Teaching Basic Problem


This investigation seeks to contribute to form scientific attitude in the students starting from the teaching of the sciences, and through two interesting focuses of the contemporary didactics The Problems Based Learning (PBL) and the Didactic Problematizadora. The Scientific Attitude in this proposal is considered as an alternative to bring near the student to the scientific knowledge. The investigation looks for to formulate a didactic proposal that allows contributing to generate a favorable inclination to the knowledge and the scientific investigation in the population of students of grade 10 and 11, of the National Educational Institution Dante Alighieri of San Vicente of the Caguán. In the same line, the proposal looks for to determine half- filled actions that use the new didactic focus Problems Based Learning (PBL) and the implementation of practical of experimental court (practical of laboratory), supported in processes it puts cognitive. In order to carry out this proposal it is necessary to research the important aspects of the process in teaching Naturals Sciences at middle and high school. The latest educational trends dealing with the Learning and Teaching Basic Problem (PBLT), and experiences in laboratory taking into account metacognitive strategies. Accordingly, the didactic intervention of this proposal intends to generate scientific attitudes in learners. It will encourage the students to produce new ways of knowledge from research, discovery, and criticism into the classroom.


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Author Biography

Yeny Calderón Polanía, Institución Educativa Juan XXIII, Colombia

Msc. Ciencias de la Educación; docente de Educación Media Institución Educativa Juan XXIII, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Calderón Polanía, Y. (2012). LA FORMACIÓN DE ACTITUD CIENTÍFICA DESDE LA CLASE DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. Amazonia Investiga, 1(1), 36–53.


