Resiliencia en la enseñanza musical en población infantil y juvenil en situación de desplazamiento forzado


  • Orlando Perdomo Escandón Universidad de la Amazonia.


Resilience, Forced Displacement, Teaching, Learning, Psychosocial Didactics, Music


This qualitative study aims at showing how teaching music to children and young people who have undergone the forced displacement phenomenon in Colombia, particularly in Caquetá, can contribute with the development of resilience. Coherent with the Fundamented Theory methodological approach, this study starts up from data emerging from the practices and voices of the participants in the research process so that they could be given meaning and build up theory around the problematic concern. Data and researcher were allowed to speak from epistemology. Collected data were analyzed and organized with Atlas.ti software. Thematically, the study relates two aspects: forced displacement, its social and individual consequences, and teaching music, as a factor contributing to the development of resilience aspects.

The significance of this study is appraised in the contributions made by the research process around the redefinition of music teaching. Such redefinition deals with the support music can bring about to make social inclusion and overcoming of adversity possible as well as the value music takes on for the participants´ present and future life.


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Author Biography

Orlando Perdomo Escandón, Universidad de la Amazonia.

Magister en Ciencias de la Educación. Docente Universidad de la Amazonia.


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How to Cite

Perdomo Escandón, O. (2014). Resiliencia en la enseñanza musical en población infantil y juvenil en situación de desplazamiento forzado. Amazonia Investiga, 3(5), 5–33. Retrieved from


