Semiotic representations of the concept of linear equation with a variable from the implementation of a didactic game


  • Lenny Navia Ordóñez Secretaría de Educación Departamental del Cauca


Equations, semiotic representations, treatment, conversion, game, learning.


Linear equations with a variable play an important role in the study of mathematics since their application allows solving not only some mathematical problems, but also situations that arise in other sciences and that can be represented by one or more equations. These allow to transform the verbal language in other types of language from the semiotic representations because the mathematical objects are not tangible. The unit of analysis of this research was the treatment and conversion of semiotic representations of the linear equation concept with a variable that ten ninth grade students from the Miguel Zapata Technical Educational Institution, located in the village of El Plateado, municipality of Argelia Cauca, carried out. . In this sense, the present article product of a research work within the framework of the Master in Science Didactics of the Autonomous University of Manizales, exposes the results of two of the activities carried out through the application of a didactic unit. His description is qualitative and his analysis is based on the theory of semiotic representations of Duval (1999), whose objective was to identify what types of representation students use, the conversions and treatments they make of them, using them as a facilitator of the learning a parqués of equations constructed by the same actors of the investigation.


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Author Biography

Lenny Navia Ordóñez, Secretaría de Educación Departamental del Cauca

Lic. en Matemáticas, Universidad del Cauca; Mg. en Didáctica de las Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, docente Secretaría de Educación Departamental del Cauca


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How to Cite

Navia Ordóñez, L. (2017). Semiotic representations of the concept of linear equation with a variable from the implementation of a didactic game. Amazonia Investiga, 6(11), 38–52. Retrieved from


