The patrimonial education in the degree in education. An experience at the "Marta Abreu" Central University of las Villas, Cuba
Published 2017-12-26
- Heritage, Patrimonial Education, Vocational Training of Education, Patrimonial Education program, Bachelor in Education
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Heritage is interpreted as a powerful tool of cultural identification and reinforcement of the patriotism of a nation. The dialogue with the heritage, its interpretation and understanding allows a better understanding of certain important aspects for the full development of humanity. Consequently, it is imperative that heritage education occupy a space in the school curriculum and in the education professional's training in Cuba. The present study was developed in four phases. The conceptualization of patrimonial education and the basic supports of this in the education of the professionals of the education form bases of a program of patrimonial education for the degree in education in Cuba, that was implemented during the course 2015-2016 in the race of Degree in Biology-Geography Education from the Central University "Marta Abreu" of the Villas. As a first approximation to the verification of its effectiveness, from a pre-experiment with a group with pretest and postest and the use of the professional package SPSS, are described positive results obtained in terms of knowledge of concepts related to heritage, The characterization of patrimonial assets, the motivation for heritage education and the students' awareness of the problems and the need to preserve the patrimonial assets with which they worked.
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