Semantics of the artistic image of the moon in K. Balmont's poetry


  • Ekaterina G. Shtyrlina Kazan Federal University
  • Marina Yu. Antropova Sun Yat-Sun University, Сhina


Moon, image, poetic symbol, poetic language, K. Balmont.


The article dwells upon the analysis of the image of the moon in K. Balmont’s works in poetic and functioning aspects. The work aims to reveal the features of the poetic embodiment and the symbolic content of the image of the moon in K. Balmont’s works. It considers the artistic and semantic realization of the image under study, describes the features of the objectification of its symbolic and associative attributes. Identification of the leading motives associated with the image of the moon, helps to establish its individual semantic scope K. Balmont’s individual style.
In course of the study, the significance of the image of the moon in the poet’s artistic view of the world is being proved. The moon is found as one of the central system-forming elements of Balmont’s lyric poetry, filled with rich philosophical and symbolic content (the basic element of the cosmogonic worldbuilding, which expresses the involvement of the world in the supernal reality and correlates with the most important attributes of metaphysics (eternity, infinity, silence, universal beauty, etc.). K. Balmont’s texts are imbued with pantheistic motives of worshiping this astral image associated with the earthly and noumenal worlds. The image of heavenly body in K. Balmont's lyrics have an intrinsic duality, emphasizing the duality of the picture of the world he creates. With its deep mythopoetic meaning, the image of the moon in Balmont’s works is the result of artistic synthesis of various archaic representations refracted through the prism of the author's worldview, and plays a critical part in the philosophical and pantheistic concept of the world created by the poet.

Research methods: contextual analysis of literary text, literary interpretation, continuou s sampling, descriptive analysis.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina G. Shtyrlina, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Marina Yu. Antropova, Sun Yat-Sun University, Сhina

Sun Yat-Sun University, Сhina


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How to Cite

Shtyrlina, E. G., & Antropova, M. Y. (2018). Semantics of the artistic image of the moon in K. Balmont’s poetry. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 233–238. Retrieved from


