The sustainability of unused industrial areas: an example, historical development of the Cyprus copper deposit


  • V. Akansu Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.
  • A. Gertik Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.

Mots-clés :

Sustainability, Rural Settlement, Ecology, Industrial Pollution, Copper Mine, Wheeler Principles


The constitution of industrial facilities in rural settlements and the pollution that the deposits produced affect the liveability of that area negatively. The Cyprus Mine Corporation, which was an American company between the years of 1912-1974. The protection of the open-deposits of the abandoned factory facilities is nowadays affecting the ecological parameters in a way that they are at risk. The main focus has been on the transformation of the pollution which occur in the Lefke settlements into a green-system and on the recovery of the lost ecological-values. Accordingly, the basic principles of wheeler on the behalf of sustainability have been revealed aimed at the ensurance of the liveability of the unused-industrial building environments and chemical-waste areas. Thus a planning approach has been suggested for the protection of ecological parameters of problematic areas and its recovery according to obtained results. Within this approach the sample being unused-industrial area in the Lefke-settlement has been examined. In the planning of the cities a suggestion for a road map to follow for the planning studies of idle industrial areas was revealed as a result of the used method.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

V. Akansu, Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.

Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.

A. Gertik, Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.

Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia-Cyprus.


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Comment citer

Akansu, V., & Gertik, A. (2018). The sustainability of unused industrial areas: an example, historical development of the Cyprus copper deposit. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 91–103. Consulté à l’adresse


