Surface structure of electret polymeric materials in different process conditions by corona discharge


  • Olga Beznaeva Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia
  • Irina Kirsh Moscow State University of Food Production 11, Moscow, Russia
  • Olga Bannikova Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia


Physics modifications, corona discharge, electret state, surface structure, polymeric film materials, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate


The issue of polymeric materials production with defined operating characteristics is under review. Work objective is to define influence on alteration of materials structure under technological processing by corona discharge in particular linear travel of processed material, processing frequency and number of electrodes. It is hereby suggested a surface processing technique of polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate films. The analysis of corona-induced structural alterations in the samples of polymeric materials has been carried out. Methods of non-contact sensing of electret characteristics and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy have been used to study modified packaging polymeric materials. The conclusion is drawn on the grounds of the research made. It is possible to intensify the processing by changing technological parameters of corona discharge influence. It results in uprating of parameters of materials electret state whereby surface oxidation level will be different. It is indicated that bands intensity of spectrum absorption consistent with OH, C=O, C-O groups fluctuating is changed while films are processed by corona discharge. This points to the fact of surface materials oxidation.
The research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the unique identifier of the project is RFMEFI57418X0191.


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Author Biographies

Olga Beznaeva, Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia

Candidate of Technical Science, Senior research fellow of composite materials laboratory, Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia

Irina Kirsh, Moscow State University of Food Production 11, Moscow, Russia

PhD in Chemistry, assistant professor, Head of composite materials laboratory, Professor of the Food Engineering Academic department, Moscow State University of Food Production 11, Moscow, Russia

Olga Bannikova, Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia

Candidate of Technical Science,Senior research fellow of composite materials laboratory, Moscow State University of Food Production11, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Beznaeva, O., Kirsh, I., & Bannikova, O. (2018). Surface structure of electret polymeric materials in different process conditions by corona discharge. Amazonia Investiga, 7(14), 39–49. Retrieved from


