Evaluation of the opinions of various actors on the school management of digitalization and management processes of the system engineering model in education

  • Gülyüz Debeş Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Turkey.
  • Behcet Oznacar Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Turkey.
Keywords: System Engineering, Technology, Student Motivation, Change in Education, Management Processes


The relevance of the study is to show the benefits of digitalization and management processes to education within system engineering. The Impact of the System Engineering Model on School Management is a comprehensive process that enables decision making based on facts with a logical process and analytical techniques for the most demanding system problems. Seminars have been held to carry out this research. Pretest and post-test were applied in the study and the results were evaluated. It tried to measure how effective seminars were in changing education. It is aimed to understand the effect of system engineering process on school management. The relevant areas and subfields of system engineering are also included. Direct relationships between the variables of motivation, participation and success that affect the relationship between teacher and student have been found. For this reason, educational processes, work towards improving the processes and the effects of these processes are important in terms of learning and teaching.


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Author Biographies

Gülyüz Debeş, Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Turkey.

Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Mersin 10, Turkey.

Behcet Oznacar, Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Turkey.

Near East University, Ataturk Education Faculty, Mersin 10, Turkey.


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How to Cite
Debeş, G., & Oznacar, B. (2018). Evaluation of the opinions of various actors on the school management of digitalization and management processes of the system engineering model in education. Amazonia Investiga, 7(16), 304-315. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/413
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