Published 2024-05-30
- linguo-cognitive and perceptual phenomenon, olfactory metaphor, semantics, text, English language.
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation, semantics, and functioning of olfactory metaphors in modern English fiction texts. This article examines olfactory metaphors, a type of synesthetic metaphor, as complex linguo-cognitive and perceptual phenomena rooted in human sensory experience. Methods of conceptual, semantic, component and contextual analysis enable to reveal the models of olfactory metaphors used in English-language fiction texts: «SMELL-TASTE», «SMELL-TOUCH», «SMELL-SIGHT» «SMELL-HEARING». Such models actualize polymodal and intermodal images, as well as the perceptual sensations of a person perceiving a smell. The semantic characteristics of olfactory metaphors in English-language fiction texts are revealed with the help of contextual and semantic analysis.
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