Published 2024-03-30
- tolerance, interethnic tolerance, personality, individual differences, personality factors, student youth.
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The paper considers the problem of interethnic tolerance in individuals. The theoretical analysis of the scientific literature shows that interethnic tolerance is an important indicator of the culture of international relations, has a deep axiological meaning, and is closely related to the value perceptions of the individual. The aggravation of interethnic issues in the youth student environment causes local conflicts, xenophobia, manifestations of nationalism, chauvinism, incitement to ethnic hatred, enmity, and intolerance between representatives of different nationalities. In this regard, the difficulty of developing interethnic tolerance when working with the younger generation is of particular importance, which makes it necessary to form a personal social position for young people and raise their level of interethnic culture. The purpose of our work is to study the individual psychological features of the manifestation of interethnic tolerance in a person. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the “Tolerance Index” and the “16 Personality Factor Questionnaire” by R. Cattell. The correlation analysis allowed us to confirm the existence of significant relationships between the indicators of interethnic tolerance and personality factors. The qualitative analysis and construction of profiles allowed us to provide psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of the general indicator of interethnic tolerance.
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