Vol. 13 No. 75 (2024)

Mapping the role of financial management in healthcare: Bibliometric analysis of Middle Eastern region

Rakesh Kumar
University of Ha’il, Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.
Author Biography

Department of Health Management, College of Public Health and Health Informatics, University of Ha’il, Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.

Published 2024-03-30


  • Financial Management, Healthcare, Bibliometric Analysis, Middle Eastern Region.

How to Cite

Kumar, R. (2024). Mapping the role of financial management in healthcare: Bibliometric analysis of Middle Eastern region. Amazonia Investiga, 13(75), 308–321. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.75.03.26


The study aims to emphasize the importance of financial management within the healthcare sector using bibliometric analysis techniques like influential authors, countries, journals, and publications. The researcher used the Scopus database for the extraction of required data. For this purpose, several relevant keywords and synonyms related to financial management in healthcare were used as advanced search options in the Scopus database. The bibliometric keyword cluster analysis indicated that financial management plays a significant role in health insurance, funding, cost, expenses, financing, and insurance related to healthcare units in Middle Eastern regions. The most influential top 5 countries for research in the financial management of healthcare units in the Middle Eastern region are Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia respectively. Similarly, the most influential journal in this domain is “Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal published by World Health Organization”. Additionally, the most influential authors in this research domain are Ammar, Walid S from Lebanon, and Rashidian, Arash from Iran. The findings of this bibliometric study are specifically important for practitioners, administrators, and policymakers in the healthcare sector of the Middle East region for making valuable decisions regarding financial management practices.


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