Vol. 13 No. 73 (2024)

The role of AI in individualizing learning and creating personalized programs

Yury Zavalevskyi
«Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, First deputy of DNU «Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Svitlana Kyrilenko
State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD in Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Innovation, Research and Experimental Work, State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Olga Kijan
State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD in Pedagogy, Head of the Sector of Experimental Pedagogy, Department of Innovation Activity and Experimental Work, State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Nataliya Bessarab
State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD in Pedagogy, Researcher of the pedagogical innovations and author’s sector of the Department of Innovation, Research and Experimental Work State Scientific Institution «Institute of Education Content Modernization», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Irina Mosyakova
Children and youth creativity center «Shevchenkovets», Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD in Pedagogy, Director of a communal organization Children and youth creativity center «Shevchenkovets», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Published 2024-01-30


  • individualisation of learning, personalised educational programmes, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis.

How to Cite

Zavalevskyi, Y., Kyrilenko, S., Kijan, O., Bessarab, N., & Mosyakova, I. (2024). The role of AI in individualizing learning and creating personalized programs. Amazonia Investiga, 13(73), 200–208. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.73.01.16


This article analyses the technical and methodological aspects of implementing individualised curricula using artificial intelligence in the educational process. The study deals in detail with the issues of technological infrastructure, data collection, and processing, as well as the integration of individualised programmes with existing educational platforms. The methodological aspect of the article includes an analysis of methods for determining the needs and capabilities of each student and the development of a methodology for assessing the success of individualised programmes. The study aims to uncover the potential and benefits associated with the utilization of personalized programs in contemporary education. This is done with the intention of enhancing the overall learning experience and attaining superior outcomes for every individual student and pupil. Future areas of research include further development of technical solutions for individualised programmes, studying methodological approaches to adapting programmes to the needs of different categories of student, and developing ethical standards for protecting personal data in education. This article will be useful for teachers, higher education institutions, researchers, and anyone interested in using artificial intelligence to individualise learning and improve education. It offers important discoveries and practical recommendations for implementing individualised programmes in the educational process.


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