Vol. 13 No. 73 (2024)

Factors influencing students’ academic achievement: evidence from University of Ha’il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Imran Khan
University of Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.
Author Biography

Department of English, College of Arts, University of Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.

Published 2024-01-30


  • students’ interest, self-efficacy, learning motivation, CGPA, undergraduate students, Ha’il University.

How to Cite

Khan, I. (2024). Factors influencing students’ academic achievement: evidence from University of Ha’il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Amazonia Investiga, 13(73), 41–55. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.73.01.4


The current study's goal is to determine the effect of "student interest," "perceived self-efficacy," and "learning motivation" on undergraduate students' CGPA. The present investigation employed a quantitative methodology, utilizing a cross-sectional survey delivered through an online Google Form that participants self-administered. The current study's target demographic was undergraduate students at a public university. In this survey, 230 undergraduate students took part. The variable combination predicted approximately 39.6% of the overall variance in predicting the CGPA. The predicted regression model in the study was significant (F(3,226 = 50.960, p 0.001), and it discovered that other than "students' interest," only two factors significantly predicted the outcome variable CGPA. However, "student interest" has a positive but negligible effect on the CGPA. It is recommended that teachers use effective classroom strategies to assist students in raising their interest, learning motivation, and self-efficacy to accelerate their academic achievement.


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