Vol. 13 No. 73 (2024)

Factors influencing students’ academic achievement: evidence from University of Ha’il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Imran Khan
University of Ha’il, Saudi Arabia.

Published 2024-01-30


  • students’ interest, self-efficacy, learning motivation, CGPA, undergraduate students, Ha’il University.

How to Cite

Khan, I. (2024). Factors influencing students’ academic achievement: evidence from University of Ha’il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Amazonia Investiga, 13(73), 41–55. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.73.01.4


The current study's goal is to determine the effect of "student interest," "perceived self-efficacy," and "learning motivation" on undergraduate students' CGPA. The present investigation employed a quantitative methodology, utilizing a cross-sectional survey delivered through an online Google Form that participants self-administered. The current study's target demographic was undergraduate students at a public university. In this survey, 230 undergraduate students took part. The variable combination predicted approximately 39.6% of the overall variance in predicting the CGPA. The predicted regression model in the study was significant (F(3,226 = 50.960, p 0.001), and it discovered that other than "students' interest," only two factors significantly predicted the outcome variable CGPA. However, "student interest" has a positive but negligible effect on the CGPA. It is recommended that teachers use effective classroom strategies to assist students in raising their interest, learning motivation, and self-efficacy to accelerate their academic achievement.


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