Vol. 12 No. 72 (2023)

Peculiarities of decision-making by persons with high and low levels of tolerance

Mykyta Babchuk
Odesa National Economic University, Odessa, Ukraine.
Olena Babchuk
State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky», Odessa, Ukraine.
Iryna Pospelova
Mykolas Romeris University Institute of Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Denis Voznyi
Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine.
Olena Ivanova
Odesa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine.

Published 2023-12-30


  • decision-making, tolerance, personality, tolerance levels.

How to Cite

Babchuk, M., Babchuk, O., Pospelova, I., Voznyi, D., & Ivanova, O. (2023). Peculiarities of decision-making by persons with high and low levels of tolerance. Amazonia Investiga, 12(72), 254–267. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.72.12.23


Abstract: the article examines the peculiarities of decision-making by people with different levels of tolerance. Tolerance is unity in diversity, it is a quality that is a humanistic component of an individual and is determined by his valuable attitude towards others. It represents an attitude towards a highly moral type of relationship, which is manifested in a person's actions. The purpose of this work was a theoretical-empirical study of the psychological features of decision-making by individuals with different levels of tolerance. Diagnostics of decision-making indicators and tolerance indicators was carried out with the help of: "Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire", "Personal Decision-Making Factors", "Decision-Making Questionnaire", "Qualitative Tolerance Indicators Test-Questionnaire". Correlation analysis made it possible to establish the nature of interdependence between the studied indicators - tolerance and decision-making. The use of qualitative data analysis made it possible to identify groups of people with a high and low level of tolerance using the "aces" method and to draw up their characteristics. Individuals with a high level of tolerance demonstrate a high level of attitude to complex tasks and novelty, have a high readiness to adapt to an uncertain situation, are able to change their plans in new conditions. People with a low level of tolerance have a tendency to spontaneity, impulsiveness when making a decision.


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