Vol. 12 No. 72 (2023)

Cultural factors in foreign language teaching and their linguistic interpretation

Luan Luan
Wuhan University, China.

Published 2023-12-30


  • cultural teaching, foreign language teaching, intercultural communication, linguoculturology, systemic functional linguistics.

How to Cite

Luan, L. (2023). Cultural factors in foreign language teaching and their linguistic interpretation. Amazonia Investiga, 12(72), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.72.12.1


Systemic functional linguistics, intercultural communication and linguoculturology systematically explain the relationship between language, culture and communication. They are the main theoretical basis for modern foreign language teaching research. Based on the framework of the relationship between language and culture from the perspective of three disciplines, their cultural views are analyzed. General scientific methods of analysis and comparative study are utilized for conducting research. We propose that foreign language teaching includes three kinds of cultural factors, namely, symbolic resource culture, communicative norm culture and cognitive psychology culture, and point out the adaptation relationship between different theories and foreign language teaching research directions. Each subject has its emphasis, and the combination of the three can form a closed-loop research on language teaching and culture teaching in foreign language teaching.


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