Vol. 12 No. 71 (2023)

On the ways of product quality fixation from the perspective of consumption psychology theory

Elena Anatolyevna Reznik
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.

Published 2023-11-30


  • product quality, fixation ways, marketing practice, branding, consumer, voluntary certification, disappoint expectations of consumers, certificate.

How to Cite

Reznik, E. A. (2023). On the ways of product quality fixation from the perspective of consumption psychology theory. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 117–125. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.10


The notions of product quality fixation ways are characterized in the given paper. It also contains opinions of different authors on the consumption psychology characteristics and specifies the importance of personal features of consumers and peculiarities of marketing communications for study. The article gives the notion of marketing communications and substantiates that quality management systems (QMS) are marketing communications. It also demonstrates that ISO standards in the sphere of quality management are aimed at developing effective models of business communications. The author of the paper focuses on the fact that certificates and standards lose importance, to some extent, due to the invention and development of “bypasses” for standardization and certification of both the products themselves and business management systems that results in the formality and inefficiency of such tools, which give only the appearance of the qualitative products. The conclusions are made that branding, as an alternative market tool, which can comprise both quality standards and conformance certificates, is such a tool of the marketing communication, which is formed based on a consumer’s demand and product market characteristics; branding is competitive and it is attractive from the investment point to more extent.


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