Published 2023-11-30
- cyberspace, disinformation, information policy, social networks, fake information.
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The spread of disinformation in digital communication causes anti-democratic behaviour among Internet users, which may threaten national security. The aim of the study was to determine the legal means of combating disinformation on the Internet as the main factor in shaping antisocial behaviour in terms of digital content. This issue was studied using the methods of comparative analysis, system logical analysis and doctrinal approach, as well as empirical and theoretical methods. Legal means of combating disinformation in cyberspace are means aimed at detecting and removing manipulative information from the information space. The state information policy aimed at combating fakes should ensure the transparency of digital platforms, improve the digital literacy of society, and establish monitoring and control over the information flow in cyberspace. International information standards oblige developers of social networks and digital platforms to create accessible and safe content for their users to combat disinformation in cyberspace. The results of the study are useful for governments in the context of the formation of an effective state system of means of combating fake news.
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