Published 2023-11-30
- Blended Learning, Computer Assisted Learning, Educational System, Information and Communication Technology, Online Learning, Students.
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In current times, blended learning has emerged as one of the most noteworthy trends in the educational sector. Blended learning approach is a group of various learning approaches and elements that may be integrated to assist learners in fulfilling their instructional goals more efficaciously than learning in traditional learning environments and combines the best aspects of online and instructor-led learning and is delivered in a ‘small-group’ or ‘one- on-one’ format. The present study was designed to explore, how blended learning may be utilized in an effective manner for developing the English language expertise of undergrad students at the University of Ha’il, Saudi Arabia. Blended learning by incorporating adaptive learning platforms that tailor content based on individual student achievements. The outcomes report that the blended learning approach can be exploited for enhancing the environment of English learning for motivating the students toward the learning English language. The study at Ha'il University concluded that the integration of technology provides access to diverse digital resources, such as online lectures and interactive simulations, enhancing the overall educational experience. Thus, the teaching English at the undergraduate level through a mixed learning approach will be sufficient to support all facets of learning and teaching.
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