Vol. 11 No. 53 (2022)

Influence of the occupational burnout syndrome on the work attractiveness among social workers

Krasimira Benkova
Trakia University, Bulgaria.
Tanya Taneva
Trakia University, Bulgaria.
Yavor Georgiev
Trakia University, Bulgaria.
Nadia Vlaeva
Trakia University, Bulgaria.
Stanimira Raleva
Trakia University, Bulgaria.

Published 2022-07-04


  • social work, social services, occupational burnout syndrome, work attractiveness.

How to Cite

Benkova, K., Taneva, T., Georgiev, Y., Vlaeva, N., & Raleva, S. (2022). Influence of the occupational burnout syndrome on the work attractiveness among social workers. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 70–81. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.53.05.7


The objective of this article is to study and analyze the influence of burnout syndrome on the "work attractiveness" in social workers. For the purposes of the analysis, an empirical study was conducted among 170 social workers from 142 social services in Bulgaria. The data from the study confirmed though partially but statistically significant, the dependence of work attractiveness on the parameters of the occupational burnout syndrome in the professional social work practice. The following tendencies have been outlined:

  • Influence of the “occupational burnout syndrome” in the part of emotional exhaustion on the work attractiveness. The high level of emotional exhaustion does not presuppose low work attractiveness, just the opposite.
  • Influence of the “occupational burnout syndrome” in the part of emotional exhaustion on the probability of leaving. The dependency between the high emotional exhaustion and the low work dissatisfaction precondition a higher probability of leaving.
  • Influence of the “occupational burnout syndrome” in the part reduction of personal achievements on the work attractiveness. The high reduction determines the higher level of occupational dissatisfaction.

Our study shows that specification of social work depends both on the conditions of labor and the personal qualities of the social workers.


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