Corruption Risks as a threat to the national security: A comparative analysis of their prevention and minimization


  • Dmitry A. Lipinsky Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.
  • Aleksandra A. Musatkina Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.
  • Aleksey N. Stankin Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.
  • Elena V. Chuklova Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.


Corruption, corruption prevention, corruption risks, types of corruption risks, comparative law, corruption offence, minimization of corruption risks, international cooperation.


The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of corruption risks on the national security based on the global anti-corruption practices by using the interdisciplinary approach. Methods: the comparative legal, dialectical formally legal, statistical, and other methods of the scientific knowledge have been applied during the study. Contents. The concept of “risk” developed by economic scientists has been studied. Based on this, it is extrapolated to the concept of “corruption risk”. The practice of minimizing corruption risks in various countries, including Russia, has been analyzed. The legal expertise of Russia has been compared to the measures on reducing corruption risks and ensuring the national security taken in other countries. It has been substantiated that the category of “uncertainty” that is the basis for the concept “risk” developed by economists is also important for determining corruption risks, but at the same time corruption risks are not limited only to the uncertainty of legislation or the powers of state bodies. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of global practices related to minimizing corruption risks, the absence of measures for their comprehensive reduction in Russia has been proved, because the possibilities for establishing an institution of civil liability and liability of legal entities for committing corruption offences, as well as civil confiscation widely applied in other countries are not taken into account. The legislation uncertainty is not the only factor that predetermines and increases corruption risks. It goes together with social, economic, political and other factors. Corruption risks are directly related to the national security.


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Author Biographies

Dmitry A. Lipinsky, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.

Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.  

Aleksandra A. Musatkina, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.

Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.  

Aleksey N. Stankin, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.

Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.  

Elena V. Chuklova, Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.

Togliatti State University, Belorusskaya St., Togliatti, Russia.  


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How to Cite

Lipinsky, D. A., Musatkina, A. A., Stankin, A. N., & Chuklova, E. V. (2019). Corruption Risks as a threat to the national security: A comparative analysis of their prevention and minimization. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 354–364. Retrieved from


