Social perception as a factor in the professional success of a tennis player


  • Galina Viktorovna Baturkina Department of Psychology and Psychophysiology, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation.
  • Tatiana Petrovna Budyakova Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Life Safety, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation


Social perception, athlete’s personality, beginner tennis players, elite tennis players, professional success, the psychology of sports achievements.


The large role of social perception in an athlete’s professional success is an issue of scientific sports psychology that requires further study. Traditionally, social perception is considered in sports from the perspective of advertising goals or facilitating athlete’s personal growth. However, not enough attention is paid to social perception as a factor in professional success, which reduces the potential of tennis players from different countries when competing. This is a factor, for example, with Chinese tennis players. The article presents the results of a study that compared certain parameters of social perception in elite tennis players, winners of regional tennis competitions and beginners. The authors established that, in contrast to elite athletes, the winners of regional competitions do not possess such important socio-psychological qualities as “openness to experience”, “effective anticipation of the opponent’s and their own actions,” etc. When beginner tennis players lack skills of appropriate social perception of their professional activity, they form negative habits that impede successful professional development: perfectionism, being easily distracted, worrying too much about winning or losing, etc. It has been revealed that, for instance, Russian coaches tend to focus on the development of technical skills. Due to this, Russian tennis players acquire important social perception skills spontaneously, inconsistently, and therefore, not systematically, and this impedes their progress.


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Author Biographies

Galina Viktorovna Baturkina, Department of Psychology and Psychophysiology, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation.

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Psychophysiology, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation.

Tatiana Petrovna Budyakova, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Life Safety, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation

Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Life Safety, Bunin Yelets State University, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Baturkina, G. V., & Budyakova, T. P. (2019). Social perception as a factor in the professional success of a tennis player. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 431–439. Retrieved from


