Vol. 8 No. 24 (2019)

Comparative characteristics of the images of Russia and Belarus in the minds of students of both countries

Irina A. Snezhkova
Institute of Ethnology and anthropology named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia
Author Biography

Candidate of history. Senior researcher  Institute of Ethnology and anthropology named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia

Natalya V. Shalygina
Institute of Ethnology and anthropology named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay  Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia
Author Biography

Candidate of history, senior researcher Institute of Ethnology and anthropology named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay  Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russia

Published 2019-11-21


  • Image of the country, self-identification, auto-stereotypes, heterostereotypes, students, ethno-nationality.

How to Cite

Snezhkova, I. A., & Shalygina, N. V. (2019). Comparative characteristics of the images of Russia and Belarus in the minds of students of both countries. Amazonia Investiga, 8(24), 392–401. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/999


The article presents the results of an ethnopsychological study of the perception of their national characteristics by Belarusian and Russian students and the formation in their minds of the image of both countries. The modern relations of the two Slavic countries of Russia and the Republic of Belarus are at a new stage of development, which consists in creating a single union state. The level of mutual understanding between the two independent states largely depends on how young generations adequately represent each other's national character, value priorities and worldview positions of their peers living in a neighboring country. The problems of establishing mutual understanding of young people are complicated by the fact that both countries are the heirs to a unified Soviet past, but experience certain difficulties in the process of its modernization. On the other hand, representatives of the “z” generation, born at the turn of the millennium, form their own values ??and development guidelines, which also affects the search for mutual understanding between the two countries.


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