Simplified method of linking raster image points of Earth remote sensing satellites to geographical coordinates
Published 2019-11-21
- Eco-monitoring, geolocation, multichannel satellite imagery, remote sensing of the Earth, satellite imagery.
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In article the simplified method of definition of a binding pixels raster picture to geographical coordinates in multichannel satellite imageries of the remote sensing (RS) of Earth is described. It is assumed that the picture is a rectangular raster with dimensions of the coating area on the surface of the Earth within the limits of the first hundred kilometers, obtained when the direction of shooting is deviated from nadir within the limits of the first degrees. At the same time the corner points of the screen have reference to geographical coordinates of sufficient accuracy. It is required to bind each raster pixel to a point on the Earth's surface, that is, to constrain the column and row of the raster pixel to the geographical latitude and longitude of the corresponding point. This paper proposes a simplified universal method, without some of the disadvantages inherent in standard methods of solving the problem. It is based on considering the geometric features raster and the area of the Earth surface covers it.
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