Vol. 8 No. 24 (2019)

Modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization

Natalia A. Prodanova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Stremyanny lane, Russia
Author Biography

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Stremyanny lane, Russia

Nataliya S. Plaskova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Stremyanny lane, Russia.
Author Biography

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Stremyanny lane, Russia.

Fatima A. Khamkhoeva
Ingush state University Mutalieva str., Russia.
Author Biography

Ingush state University Mutalieva str., Russia.

Lyudmila V. Sotnikova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Leningradsky, Russia.
Author Biography

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Leningradsky, Russia.

Elena V. Prokofieva
State budgetary institution of higher education of the Moscow region "University" Dubna "- Dmitrov Institute of Continuing Education, Moscow Region.
Author Biography

State budgetary institution of higher education of the Moscow region "University" Dubna "- Dmitrov Institute of Continuing Education, Moscow Region.

Published 2019-11-21


  • Investment attractiveness, investment project, strategic economic analysis, method, evaluation.

How to Cite

Prodanova, N. A., Plaskova, N. S., Khamkhoeva, F. A., Sotnikova, L. V., & Prokofieva, E. V. (2019). Modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization. Amazonia Investiga, 8(24), 145–151. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/965


Purpose: Within the framework of the study, a critical analysis of modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization is carried out. Design: the methods of economic analysis used to assess the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization are systematized; the disadvantages of the existing methodological support are identified and the criteria determining the quality and practical value of modern developments in the studied area are established. Findings:  it is proved that the main disadvantages of the existing methods of assessing investment attractiveness are: the lack of strategic orientation of the assessment; ignoring the influence of most external and internal factors of activity; the inability to assess the risk of investing in the analyzed object; the need to compare with the level of investment attractiveness of similar organizations for an objective interpretation of the results. Practical implications: to eliminate the significant shortcomings of modern methodological support in this area, the authors recommend the use of scenario method of strategic economic analysis in the process of assessing the investment attractiveness of the organization. Originality: The scenario method of strategic economic analysis proposed by the authors complements the existing approaches with the ability to take into account potential risks when making a far-sighted decision to invest in an organization by combining the results of retrospective analysis and forecasting changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of financial and economic activity.


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