Linguistic and Cultural Features of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia (on material of dictionaries of M.F. Druzhinina)
Published 2019-11-21
- Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia, vocabulary, lexical meaning, evaluation, evaluativity, linguistic world image, cultural linguistics, person nomination, nominations of active and passive methods, nominations of hunting means and tools.
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The scientific article studies and analyzes words of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia, whose lexical meaning is associated with their culture and traditional way of life. The above-mentioned words express culture-bound items that help survive in the harsh conditions of northeast Russia. It is relevant to consider word meanings since modern linguistics has got a second wind and currently examines language processes with due regard to the culture and history of native speakers and dialect users. Such scientific studies show a certain culture from a new perspective and fully reveal the connection between language and culture. The Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia contain unique words evaluating a person (hardworking/lazy; good-natured/evil; smart/stupid) and denoting hunting methods and means (active/passive; means/tools, components/materials for producing hunting tools). The authors of the article have grouped the obtained data according to the frequency of use. This classification reflects the diversity and richness of the words used by Russian old-timers. The vocabulary related to person nominations and nominations of hunting methods and means represents a significant layer in the linguistic world image of Yakutian old-timers.
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