Attraction of Foreign Investments as A Condition for Regional Industrial Development in Russia


  • Julia Vladimirovna Gnezdova Smolensk State University, Przhevalsky Smolensk, Russia
  • Alexsander Annayarovich Stepanov Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, Russia
  • Margarita Vitalyevna Savina Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia
  • Olga Victorovna Dyatlova Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia
  • Tatyana Mikhailovna Gridneva Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia


foreign investments, investment environment, region, innovative development, industrial production.


The article focuses on a critical review of the current status and prospects for the development of effective functioning and stable industrial growth of the regions through the acceleration of investment activity, in particular, through the mobilization of physical and financial resources of domestic and foreign investors. The attraction of foreign direct investments enables the growth of gross domestic product and personal income. The publication targets elaboration of a prospective strategy aimed to attract foreign investments to the industry providing social and economic development of the regions and considering special features and risks of the investment activity. Methods: comparison, statistic measurements, description, interpretation, symbolic and dialectical logic. Lack of domestic funding and inability to provide investments from regional budgets makes the issue of sources and ways to attract external inputs more relevant. Results: Russian regions working under current difficult circumstances must identify features required for the development of an innovative regional strategy to attract foreign inflows and improve collaboration with foreign investors.


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Author Biographies

Julia Vladimirovna Gnezdova, Smolensk State University, Przhevalsky Smolensk, Russia

Smolensk State University, Przhevalsky Smolensk, Russia

Alexsander Annayarovich Stepanov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, Russia

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, Russia

Margarita Vitalyevna Savina, Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia

Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia

Olga Victorovna Dyatlova, Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia

Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia

Tatyana Mikhailovna Gridneva, Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia

Russian State Social University, Vilgelm Pick Street, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Gnezdova, J. V., Stepanov, A. A., Savina, M. V., Dyatlova, O. V., & Gridneva, T. M. (2019). Attraction of Foreign Investments as A Condition for Regional Industrial Development in Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 263–270. Retrieved from


