The Strategy of Language Corpus Development as a Linguistic Competence of the User of Flex Program


  • Sabrina Kh. Shikhalieva Department of Language, Literature and Art Institute of G. Tsadasa D NTS RAN
  • Helen Z. Santueva Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University
  • Laura P. Fetalieva Department of pedagogy and psychology of primary education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University
  • Sapiayt Kh. Gasanova Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University
  • Zhavgarat A. Ramazanova Department of English Philology of Dagestan State Pedagogical University


Lexicography, St Luke‘s Gospel, text, national dictionary, software program FLEx


The article considers the first version of the text analysis instructions in the languages of Dagestan. The texts of “the Gospel” in the languages of the peoples of Dagestan are the sets of words and signs, from which it is necessary to single out what is interesting to the user of the computer program FLEx. It is referred to a meaningful tool of the text of “the Gospel”. The text marked with various kinds of information enables the user to have some exposure to a highquality corpus of electronic information. The division of the components of a computational lexicon is considered as a means of expressing grammatical features “word? phrase* text”. The difficulties of description are determined by the way to develop a website for an educational institution.


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Author Biographies

Sabrina Kh. Shikhalieva, Department of Language, Literature and Art Institute of G. Tsadasa D NTS RAN

Doctor of Philology, the leading researcher of Lexicology and Lexicography Department of Language, Literature and Art Institute of G. Tsadasa D NTS RAN

Helen Z. Santueva, Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Laura P. Fetalieva, Department of pedagogy and psychology of primary education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of pedagogy and psychology of primary education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Sapiayt Kh. Gasanova, Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Primary Linguistic Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University.

Zhavgarat A. Ramazanova, Department of English Philology of Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology of Dagestan State Pedagogical University.


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How to Cite

Shikhalieva, S. K., Santueva, H. Z., Fetalieva, L. P., Gasanova, S. K., & Ramazanova, Z. A. (2019). The Strategy of Language Corpus Development as a Linguistic Competence of the User of Flex Program. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 187–191. Retrieved from


