Published 2019-09-26
- Assortment, landscaping, inventory, trees, shrubs, lianas, Saratov.
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The article deals with the history of green space expansion in the city of Saratov based on comparative analysis of the range of green spaces for 1966, 1998, and 2017. The authors note the expansion tendency of the wood species range applied in city landscaping due to the inclusion of invasive plants and decorative forms of trees and bushes. The results of a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the range of plants at the sites of urban landscaping and long-term observations of them allowed determining the types and varieties of trees, shrubs, and lianas, which had successfully adapted to the urban environment states. The authors have developed a broad range of plants, which includes 138 names of tree and bush species recommended for application on landscaping sites of various categories in Saratov.
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