MDDCLOUD: Framework for enterprise web applications MDD according specification software requirements


  • Sergio Andrés Ñustes Universidad Nacional Bogotá.
  • Jorge Luis Hurtado Universidad Nacional Bogotá
  • Yois Pascuas Rengifo Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia.


Framework; Cloud; Enterprise web applications; Model view controller architecture; Traceability.


This article aims to describe the development of MDDCloud, proposed framework MDD cloud for developing enterprise web applications PHP architecture model view controller (MVC). Methodology: it encompassed the phases of communication, planning and construction, using Scrum agile development oriented methodology to join the stages of communication, modeling and construction, from traceability requirements capture, UML diagramming and automatic generation of functional code. Results: MDDCloud consists of five modules: A system requirements capture, modeling, automatic generation of enterprise web applications, user management and projects, and, help wiki management system. Conclusions: checks that the development of enterprise web applications is possible through the automation of concepts. It is possible to develop friendly and MDD cloud implementations.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Andrés Ñustes, Universidad Nacional Bogotá.

Ingeniero de Sistemas, Estudiante de Maestría en ingeniería de sistemas y computación Universidad Nacional Bogotá.

Jorge Luis Hurtado, Universidad Nacional Bogotá

Ingeniero de Sistemas, Estudiante de Maestría en ingeniería de sistemas y computación Universidad Nacional Bogotá

Yois Pascuas Rengifo, Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia.

Ingeniera de Sistemas, Magíster en Ciencias de la Información y las comunicaciones. Docente Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia.


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How to Cite

Andrés Ñustes, S., Hurtado, J. L., & Pascuas Rengifo, Y. (2016). MDDCLOUD: Framework for enterprise web applications MDD according specification software requirements. Amazonia Investiga, 5(8), 32–40. Retrieved from


