Consistency between teaching model and practice teaching of the teachers of the Lyceum Colombia


  • Elizabeth Cristina Sanchez Larrota Universidad Libre.
  • Johana Marcela Sarmiento Pardo Universidad Libre.
  • Gloria Janeth Janeth Orjuela Sánchez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


Pedagogical model, pedagogical practice, educational management.


The purpose of this article is to identify if the pedagogical work of teachers in the General direction of army schools, is part of the pedagogical model that characterizes to the Lyceum. The methodology, studied the literature referred to the concepts of pedagogical practice, pedagogical model, educational management. Through documentary analysis, we studied the institutional education project (PEI) and the pedagogical model. They were five (5) focus groups involving teachers in the institution, to investigate concepts taken as references of this study were conducted. The results identified that the pedagogical model is not consistent with the pedagogical practices of teachers; the educational management of the institution should promote open and reflective professionalism of the actors of the educational community; in addition, it is necessary to define clear objectives that will facilitate and enhance the pedagogical practices of teachers.


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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Cristina Sanchez Larrota, Universidad Libre.

Especialista en gerencia y proyección social de la educación. Universidad Libre.

Johana Marcela Sarmiento Pardo, Universidad Libre.

Especialista en gerencia y proyección social de la educación. Universidad Libre.

Gloria Janeth Janeth Orjuela Sánchez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesora – Investigadora. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


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How to Cite

Sanchez Larrota, E. C., Sarmiento Pardo, J. M., & Orjuela Sánchez, G. J. J. (2015). Consistency between teaching model and practice teaching of the teachers of the Lyceum Colombia. Amazonia Investiga, 4(7), 29–39. Retrieved from


