Vol. 8 No. 20 (2019)

Specialization and concentration of small and medium enterprises employees: Russian data

O. V. Kiseleva
Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
Author Biography

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

A. V. Lebedev
Ogarev State University Russia
Author Biography

Ph.D., Associate Professor Mordovia N.P. Ogarev State University Russia

I. S. Pinkovetskaia
Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
Author Biography

PhD, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

Magda J. Rojas-Bahamón
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Colombia
Author Biography

PhD. Docente titular Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Colombia

Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo
Revista Amazonia Investiga
Author Biography

MSc. Educación Editor Revista Amazonia Investiga

Published 2019-06-25


  • Small and medium enterprises, Regional specialization, Industry concentration, The Krugman índices.

How to Cite

Kiseleva, O. V., Lebedev, A. V., Pinkovetskaia, I. S., Rojas-Bahamón, M. J., & Arbeláez Campillo, D. F. (2019). Specialization and concentration of small and medium enterprises employees: Russian data. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 6–15. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/59


Goal of study is to assess the current level of industry concentration and regional specialization small and medium enterprises in Russia using Krugman indices. The study uses official statistics for 2016, describing the number of enterprises employees located in 80 regions and specializing in 13 types of economic activity. In this research they determine the indices values of enterprises industry concentration and regional specialization. Authors also carry out comparative analysis of changes in the values of these indices for the period from 2010 to 2016. They also establish the patterns characteristic of industry concentration and regional specialization.


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