Ideological and theoretical evolution of the «new left» in the journal «new left review» (1960-2015)


  • Oleg V. Bodrov Kazan Federal University
  • Almaz V. Zakirov Kazan Federal University
  • Izmail I. Sharifzhanov Kazan Federal University


intellectual history,


The movement "new left" arose in Western Europe and the USA in the 1960-ies under the influence of the split in the world Communist movement following the events of 1956, the twentieth Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) when it is the prevailing leftist anarchist and Trotskyist ideas. The new left protested against the Stalinist variant of socialism and the Stalinization of Eastern Europe, the hard political structuring and centralization of socialism, lack of spirituality of the "consumer society", the anonymity of mass culture, the unification of human personality. Advocated "direct democracy", freedom of expression, non-conformism and club-a discussion of the political culture. The intellectual center of the "new left" was the magazine "New Left Review". The Central themes of the journal were the issues of updates of the Marxist theory, labor and trade Union movement, the analysis of numerous forms of anti-capitalist protest, the national liberation and anti-imperialist movements, ethno-religious, gender, psychological and linguistic-cultural research, philosophical analysis of the various aspects of the Central problem of modernity, namely the ratio of government and people.


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Author Biographies

Oleg V. Bodrov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Almaz V. Zakirov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Izmail I. Sharifzhanov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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Kenny, M. (1995). The First New Left. British Intellectuals after Stalin, P. 27, L: Lawrence & Wishart.

Miliband, R., Saville, J. (1976). Socialist Register 1976 Preface, The Socialist Register, P. 15.

Thompson, E. (1978). The Poverty of Theory, P. 35, Merlin.Thompson, T. (1963). The making of the English working class, L.: Victor Gollancz, 848.

Widgery, D. (1976). The Left in Britain 1956– 1968, pp. 43–97, London.Williams, R. (1968). May Day Manifesto, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

Williams, R. (1983). Innovationen. Uber den Prozesscharakter von Literatur und Kunst, S. 74, Fr.a.M.: Suhrkamp.




How to Cite

Bodrov, O. V., Zakirov, A. V., & Sharifzhanov, I. I. (2018). Ideological and theoretical evolution of the «new left» in the journal «new left review» (1960-2015). Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 145–149. Retrieved from


