The use of educational video materials in educational process of a higher educational institution
Published 2019-09-26
- Video clip, media resources, visualization, competencies, higher education institution, content.
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This article is devoted to the creation and use of educational video clips in higher educational institutions. This article analyzes the results of studies on the impact of video content on listeners, which showed a large degree of positive impact, presents a theoretical analysis of the basics of developing video materials. The purpose of the article is to create a technology for developing instructional videos in a higher educational institution. The authors presented the experience of implementing video materials in the classroom on pedagogical disciplines. The stages of developing video materials were proposed, recommendations for creating video were highlighted, the conditions and tasks of using video materials in the educational process were substantiated. Experience allowed us to identify the possibilities of video materials in the modern learning process, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the teaching activities of the teacher and increase the level of students' perception of the material.
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