Published 2024-10-30
- creative drama, diet-exercise intervention, healthful foods, preferences, preschoolers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Afaf Mamdouh Mohamed Barakat, Rasmeya Mohamed Farghali Metwalli
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This study examines the effects of Creative Drama-based Diet-Exercise intervention on developing preschoolers’ preferences for and consumption of healthful foods. A quasi-experimental experiment was designed and implemented. 40 children (66.6%) were girls and 20 (33.3 %) were girls. The sample was randomly divided into two groups: treatment (n=30 children), and control (n=30 children). To collect and analyze data, pictured questionnaires were used. A play-based nutrition program was developed. The program was based on social Cognitive Theory (SCT), as it involves concepts that have been established as crucial factors in children’s healthy eating behaviour development. Results show that there is a significant difference between the two groups after provision of creative drama-based diet-exercise intervention. The difference is for the treatment group.
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