Vol. 13 No. 82 (2024)

Assessment of solvency-liquidity relationship in food and meat producing organizations

Khachatur Levon Baboyan
Martin Star LLC., Armenia.
Author Biography

Ph.D., student at the M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Financial Director of Finance, Martin star LLC., Armenia.

Published 2024-10-30


  • food, meat, cash flow, listed company, machine learning model, stock market, capital, assets, liabilities, net income, current, assets, net cash flow, liquid cash flow, financial management, liquidity, solvency, operational risk.

How to Cite

Baboyan, K. L. (2024). Assessment of solvency-liquidity relationship in food and meat producing organizations. Amazonia Investiga, 13(82), 112–123. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.82.10.9


Cash flow management in commercial organizations of the production sector is one of the key problems of financial management in the post-crisis stages of the pandemic and its overcoming, which requires new solutions.

This article presents practical solutions for improving financial management in the context of liquidity-solvency relationship, cash flow, and current asset valuation in six leading companies that produce food and meat products by capitalization listed on the world stock exchange and studied.

Since the role of artificial intelligence is highly valued in the current period, financial management professionals have also started to use various learning forecasting models in order to increase the efficiency of their decision-making.

Forecasting the capital structure in commercial organizations with an artificial intelligence model is a completely new approach in the financial management system, the main task of which is to define the preferred ratio of the components of liabilities in connection with the minimum cost of capital.



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