Vol. 13 No. 78 (2024)

Legislative support for the public policy of national memory in Ukraine

Svitlana Vlasenko
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

PhD in History, Doctoral Student, Department of Public Policy, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Published 2024-06-30


  • public policy of national memory, public administration, institutionalisation, legal support, legal act, law, public authorities, national memory, Ukraine.

How to Cite

Vlasenko, S. (2024). Legislative support for the public policy of national memory in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 13(78), 218–230. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.78.06.18


The implementation of legislative support for public policy on national memory in Ukraine is realised through the enactment of legislative acts, including the Constitution of Ukraine and Ukrainian laws. The country's prevailing political situation and social moods have primarily shaped it. This article aims to examine the legislative framework of Ukraine (1991-2024) that facilitates the formation and implementation of public policy on national memory within the state. The study demonstrates that active legislation has occurred over the past ten years and continues to the present day. It is established that the legislative base in the sphere of national memory comprises conceptual, organisational, and regulatory acts, which delineate the scope of their functionality. Significant achievements have been made in the legislative support of public policy on national memory in Ukraine. It is evident that the issue of adopting a special law that would define the fundamental principles of national memory policy in Ukraine, ensuring comprehensive regulation of its formation and implementation, still needs to be solved. The completeness of memory policy regulation at all levels of the administrative system is defined, and problematic issues are identified. The necessity for enhancing the legislative framework supporting public policy on national memory in Ukraine is revealed.


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