Published 2024-06-30
- language competencies, students, innovative technologies, podcasting technology, multimedia software, graphical interface, STEM technologies.
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The article reveals the importance of podcasting; the most effective tasks for the formation of students' language competencies through the use of innovative technologies are singled out; the necessary preconceptions and main linguistic didactic tasks were identified for assimilation of knowledge and formation of linguistic competencies of students, the solution of which contributes to the introduction of information technologies of education into professional activity. The purpose of the study is to develop students' language competencies through the use of innovative technologies. The methodological foundations of the research are leading propositions of the theory of scientific knowledge; general scientific principles of historicism, systematicity, and scientificity; conceptual provisions of pedagogical, psychological, and sociological sciences; and ideas of the development of modern education. The results of the article show the role of the graphical interface in the formation of language competencies of higher education students; the essence and principles are revealed; the need to introduce STEM technologies, gamification, and virtual whiteboards into the educational process is emphasized. Summarizing the results of the experimental study made it possible to conclude the effectiveness of the developed system of forming students' language competencies through the use of innovative technologies.
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