Vol. 13 No. 78 (2024)

Investigating war crimes in de-occupied territories: the role of the National Police of Ukraine

Ivan Vyhivskyi
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Olena Martyniuk
Scientific Institute of Public Law (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Sergii Rossokxa
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Roman Shchupakivskyi
Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Strunevych
Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine.

Published 2024-06-30


  • National Police of Ukraine, martial law, de-occupation, armed conflict, criminal proceedings, investigation, investigative (search) actions.

How to Cite

Vyhivskyi, I., Martyniuk, O., Rossokxa, S., Shchupakivskyi, R., & Strunevych, O. (2024). Investigating war crimes in de-occupied territories: the role of the National Police of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 13(78), 58–71. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.78.06.5


The purpose of this article is to examine the specific activities of the National Police of Ukraine in the investigation of war crimes in de-occupied territories, developing a clear algorithm of action and taking into account possible power, heating, and communication outages. The study argues for the creation of a Coordination Headquarters to ensure proper interaction between the bodies and departments involved in recording and investigating war crimes. The article proves that the activities of the National Police of Ukraine bodies and units during the investigation of war crimes in the de-occupied territories are aimed at their prompt, complete, and impartial investigation, so that any perpetrator of such acts is held accountable according to their guilt, and includes several algorithmic actions. The research methodology includes dialectical-materialistic, formal-logical, general scientific, and special methods. The results of the study are significant as they provide a practical guide for the National Police of Ukraine in the investigation of war crimes in de-occupied territories. The proposed algorithm and practical considerations can help ensure prompt, complete, and impartial investigations, ultimately contributing to the rule of law and justice in times of conflict.


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