Vol. 13 No. 76 (2024)

Integrating smart city and smart citizen into the digital economy

Marsel M. Imamov
Institute of Management Economicsand Finance of the Kazan Federal University, Russian.
Author Biography

Doctor of Economics, Rh.D.in Law, Professor, Head of Department of Project Management and Business Evalutation of the Institute of Management Economicsand Finance of the Kazan Federal University, Russian.

Published 2024-04-30


  • smart city, citizens, interactions, governance, evolution, infrastructure.

How to Cite

Imamov, M. M. (2024). Integrating smart city and smart citizen into the digital economy. Amazonia Investiga, 13(76), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.76.04.7


The study aims to enhance interactions within smart city infrastructures by systematically analyzing associated challenges and proposing strategic solutions. Employing methodologies such as system analysis, synthesis, optimization, modeling, and decision-making—while considering process uncertainties—we dissect the "smart city" and "smart city dweller" concepts, charting their evolutionary cycles. The results outline a structural framework for interactions between citizens, the state, businesses, and society, integrating key subsystems into a unified infrastructure. We also evaluate feedback mechanisms in urban projects like "Active Citizen" and "Garbage. Not.Net," and investigate smart city self-regulation using the Hurwitz criterion. These insights provide actionable guidance for assessing and advancing smart city projects.


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