Vol. 13 No. 74 (2024)

Security aspects of digital transformation and intellectualization of business

Stepan Melnyk
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Department of the Finance and Accounting, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Zoryana Ravlinko
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Doctoral student, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Nataliia Shuprudko
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Department of Management, International Economy and Tourism, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Halyna Pushak
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.

Olena Havrylyshyn
Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, Ukraine.
Author Biography

Faculty of Publishing, Printing and Informational Technologies, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, Ukraine.

Published 2024-02-29


  • business, security, digital transformation, business environment, intellectualization.

How to Cite

Melnyk, S., Ravlinko, Z., Shuprudko, N., Pushak, H., & Havrylyshyn, O. (2024). Security aspects of digital transformation and intellectualization of business. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 201–213. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.17


The main purpose of the article is to determine the key aspects of security during digital transformation and intellectualization of business in the conditions of a changing external environment. As a result of the literature review, the team of authors of the article sets themselves a new scientific task, to form an innovative approach to assessing security aspects during digital transformation and intellectualization of business in modern development conditions. The research methodology involves the use of the expert analysis method, the Delphi method, the even comparison method, and the modeling method. Thanks to this, the result was a list of the most significant security aspects affecting the process of digitalization and intellectualization of business in the region. An approach to assessing these aspects has been formed. The innovativeness of the results obtained is considered through the prism of the proposed model for achieving the most important aspects of security for effective digitalization and intellectualization of business in Ukraine. The study is limited by taking into account the specifics of the business environment only in Ukraine. Prospects for further research suggest expanding the range of modeling; if only the IDEF0 method was used in the article, then in the future the possibilities of using IDEF3 should be considered.


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