Published 2024-02-29
- art education for personality development, academic and mass art, music, choreography, design, visual arts.
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We consider art education as the result and the very process of a person's assimilation of a system of skills, abilities, and knowledge, and on their basis, the formation of humanistic qualities of the individual, an aesthetic worldview, the development of creative potential, and artistic abilities. Learning, in the unity of developing, motivational, educational, and educational functions, as a process of personal education, is the main way of obtaining art education. Attention is drawn to an important aspect of the educational function of art education – moral education based on the moral component of art. The functions of art education are analyzed in detail and their role in personality development is shown. We conducted an experimental study to verify the created innovative environment of professional training of students in the conditions of the primary educational process for artistic and educational activities for personality development. Due to several developed measures that were applied during the formative stage of the experiment, the creation of just such an innovative environment was realized in the conditions of the primary educational process during the professional training of students for artistic and educational activities.
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