Vol. 13 No. 73 (2024)

The new political marketing, or ideology of buen vivir

Carlos Alcívar-Trejo
Universidad Ecotec. Samborondón-Ecuador.
José Albert-Márquez
Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba-España.
Duniesky Alfonso-Caveda
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Durán-Ecuador.
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Durán-Ecuador.

Published 2024-01-30


  • Political marketing, buen vivir, XXI century, politics, democracy.

How to Cite

Alcívar-Trejo, C., Albert-Márquez, J., Alfonso-Caveda, D., & Vergara-Romero, A. (2024). The new political marketing, or ideology of buen vivir. Amazonia Investiga, 13(73), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.73.01.3


The present investigation constitutes a review and reflection of the new behaviors of political organization and alternative laws that are developing in South American countries, in which we expose various perspectives from which we carry out the theoretical description of old and new concepts, socio-historical and culture-politics. Concerning the theories and ideas built to interpret them, these force us to focus our gaze on those institutions, discourses, strategies, and procedures that were traditionally part of the understanding of what politics and law were. This relation is why, in the face of disenchantment or loss of faith in politics, in our opinion, explanations cannot continue to be constructed that insist on the distances between rulers and the governed, on the crisis of institutions, or the triumph of individualism, in the current era.
Therefore, it is necessary to reflect on how technological advancement can lead to a false premise about the ease of political marketing and the impact it has had in Ecuador in recent years, including the application of technology and the design of propaganda as a resource to reach the population and position itself as a political brand.


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