Vol. 12 No. 70 (2023)

Legal regulation of the digital environment: digitization of the state-legal and law enforcement sphere

Denys Manko
International Humanities University, Ukraine.
Antonina Zghama
International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Natalia Atamanova
International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Natalia Arabadzhy
International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Dmytro Ustinov
International Humanitarian University, Odesa, Ukraine.

Published 2023-10-30


  • digitalization, digital environment, law enforcement activity, legal system, legal regulation.

How to Cite

Manko, D., Zghama, A., Atamanova, N., Arabadzhy, N., & Ustinov, D. (2023). Legal regulation of the digital environment: digitization of the state-legal and law enforcement sphere. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 125–133. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.11


The rapid development of society and the impact of information technology have significantly changed the legal field and contributed to the creation of a legal framework for the digital environment. Successful development of digital relations in Ukraine requires effective legislative regulation. The favorable appearance of this process is determined by effective strategic planning, active participation of the government and an appropriate legal framework. From this point of view, it is considered important to consider issues of legal regulation of the digital environment in the context of the activities of state and law enforcement agencies. The purpose of the work is to research the regulatory and legal provision of the digital environment with an emphasis on the regulation of digitalization of state legal and law enforcement activities. Research methodology includes such methods as: historical, systematization, analysis and synthesis, structural-functional and comparative analysis. The result of the scientific analysis of scientific research and regulatory and legal regulation of the relevant relations was the study of the legal plane of digital transformations in Ukraine. Internal legislative norms were studied, relevant laws aimed at digitization were analyzed, their purpose was determined; the existing legislative basis for building a digital society and economy in Ukraine is highlighted. The analysis of strategic documents on digitalization in the spheres of public administration and law enforcement was carried out. The internal concepts of the development of e-government have been studied. The experience of foreign countries in the regulation of the digital environment and electronic management was studied, progressive means of regulation of the studied issues abroad were determined.


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