Vol. 12 No. 70 (2023)

Legal regime stimulating economic activities: Convergence of Ukrainian legislation with EU law based on SDGs

Olena Kurepina
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine. 

Published 2023-10-30


  • Stimulating legal regime of economic activities, Sustainable Development Goals, Ukrainian Legislation, European Union Law

How to Cite

Kurepina, O. (2023). Legal regime stimulating economic activities: Convergence of Ukrainian legislation with EU law based on SDGs. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 32–42. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.3


The purpose of the research is to substantiate ways to improve Ukrainian legislation, defining the features of the functioning of individual elements of SLREA, which will facilitate the achievement of SDGs. The study is based on a review of scientific literature dedicated to specific elements of SLREA (public procurement and state aid), Ukrainian legislation, and specific EU legal acts regarding the application of certain stimulating measures to achieve SDGs. It is argued that, compared to the institution of public procurement, the institution of state aid exhibits a significantly lower degree of actualization and integration into the legal framework supporting SDGs. It is substantiated that the modernization of Ukrainian legislation in the field of state aid should occur based on the model of legal regulation of the state aid system in the EU on the principles of SDGs. The development of SLREA in the context of adapting Ukrainian legislation to EU law should involve the integration of SDGs into the legal toolkit of such a regime.


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