Published 2023-08-30
- region, region competitiveness, coastal regions, regenerative ecosystem, tourism development.
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The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators’ influence of regenerative ecosystem competitiveness cluster analysis on the development of tourism in the coastal region.
The method of cluster analysis allowed analyzing the Ukrainian region competitiveness in their territories’ distinguishing with similar indicators in social and economic development. This method was applied in the assessment process of the Ukrainian coastal region's competitiveness, which has direct territorial access to the sea. This grouping covered indicators from various industries, selected basically on an understanding of the constituent elements of competitiveness such as tourism, production, infrastructure, demography and local finances. It was considered on the basis of a complex grouping of economic (business processes), social (human capital) and administrative-management (administration) indicators. This made it possible to reveal the similarity of the social and economic development of the coastal regions in dynamics, which have direct access to the sea and opportunities to conduct economic activities related to the maritime economy.
The cluster analysis results formed an appropriate informational and analytical justification for the guideline selection for the regional strategic policy of the regenerative ecosystems’ competitive increasing as a basis for planning the actions of local authority bodies.
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