Vol. 12 No. 68 (2023)

Innovative educational technologies as a way of higher education enhancement

Inna Knysh
National Academy of Management, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Budanova
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.
Svitlana Vakulenko
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.
Olena Syrotina
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Svitlana Popychenko
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Published 2023-08-30


  • innovative educational technologies, improvement of higher education, specialist training, competitiveness, innovative professional activity.

How to Cite

Knysh, I., Budanova, O., Vakulenko, S., Syrotina, O., & Popychenko, S. (2023). Innovative educational technologies as a way of higher education enhancement. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.2


The article examines the interconnected functions of the innovative activity of the teacher, which contribute to the improvement of higher education. The purpose of the article is to consider innovative educational technologies as a means of improving higher education and to prove their impact on the training of a modern competitive specialist. The methodology shows the connection of the main methodological approaches of professional training of a modern competitive specialist with the help of innovative educational technologies as a means of improving higher education. The levels of training of the future specialist with innovative educational means are highlighted. The classification of innovative educational technologies was carried out. The importance of hybrid courses, which include a form of combination of distance learning and face-to-face learning, is shown. The features are identified and the necessity of innovative educational technologies for the improvement of higher education is shown. Innovative educational technologies have advantages in higher education. The criteria of innovations in the educational process are singled out. The features of innovative training are listed, which are of great importance for the improvement of higher education and, as a result, obtaining a competitive specialist.


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