Published 2023-07-30
- information and educational technologies, psychology, European Union, education, transformations.
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the processes of formation of the psychology of personality consciousness in the context of active use of information and communication technologies and transformations in the field of education, primarily in the countries of the European Union. To realize this goal, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as axiological and systematic methods as elements of general scientific knowledge are used. The results of the study indicate that the use of ICTs can be useful for developing countries that are implementing the westernization of educational systems, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. The use of various interactive platforms, online courses, multimedia materials, and other digital tools contributes to the creation of multifaceted and meaningful learning environments that promote critical thinking, independence, and innovative abilities of students. It is also proved that the availability of information and its accessibility still do not guarantee the formation of knowledge at the personal level. The conclusions indicate that in order to optimize the use of ICT in the modern educational process, it is proposed to introduce artificial intelligence and develop in-depth digital competence among teachers.
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