Published 2023-07-30
- professional skills, organization of the educational process, digital competence, educational material, innovative solutions.
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The aim of the work was to develop and determine the effectiveness of the model for building future teachers’ professional competence. The aim was achieved through the use of calculations of the efficiency coefficient, the coefficient of practical effectiveness, the Cohen’s kappa coefficient. It was established that the interactive approach, which was used before the beginning of studies among 15% of students, enabled obtaining a higher level of their knowledge. The traditional education system made it possible to achieve a high level of knowledge among 31% of students. The development of a model for building professional competence of future secondary school teachers provided for the use of non-standard approaches and digital technologies (Coursera, Prometheus). It was found that students showed a high quality of material presentation (3.41) and a lower level of organization of the educational process (0.91) during teaching practice. The results contributed to highly effective knowledge of ecology, informatics, pedagogy/educational methodology acquired by high school students. It was determined that 62% of students developed high professional competence skills. The practical significance of the work is the developed system of future teachers’ professional competence through the introduction of non-standard approaches. The prospects of the research may be related to the provision of options for increasing the level of professional competence for future teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions.
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